Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Best Birthday EVER

I have to say, this birthday had to have been the best birthday I've ever had.  Even though I'm not really sure what my life will look like over the next year, I am really happy with where I am and the group of friends I have around me.  I am very blessed and so glad I was able to celebrate with some of my favorite people ever.  Brittany planned every part of it and it was wonderful, well I didn't really enjoy the restaurant or the drinks, but the company was great.  We rode the light rail in to uptown and walked to Arpa.  Laci met a new friend along the way.  He walked with us all the way to Arpa, and then proceeded to ask for money.  Our server was in a bad mood and I kept asking him why he was in such a bad mood.  I guess I was pretty hilarious because everyone was laughing at me.  I had a really great night and really loved spending time with my friends.  I was also asked to make a list of 25 things I had learned in my lifetime, and I am going to share them with you...

1. God is always faithful
2. plan less enjoy more
3. always wear sunscreen
4. take a lot of pictures
5. only get married once--seriously
6. don't worry about the things you have no control over
7. changing someone never works
8. car accidents suck
9. reading is actually enjoyable
10. my passion was for basketball, but i played soccer so i wouldn't foul out
11. pretending to play the guitar, almost looks as good as actually knowing how to play
12. i always sound better singing in the shower, but i also don't have a real audience
13. it is ok to have a few dirty dishes in the sink
14. forgiveness is vital to any relationship
15. shit happens
16. good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget
17. always look for the good in other people
18. give life to your dreams
19. i will always be the one who acts like a kid when the opportunity presents itself
20. I really enjoy swimming
21. God never ceases to amaze me
22. I love the beach but HATE the sand
23. I have some of the greatest friends a person could ask for
24. I love margaritas
25. always stir the drink before you take a sip :-)
making a list of 25 things is difficult

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

funny conversation

Let me just say that America has done a great job of infiltrating the idea that a girl should be married by the time they graduate college. I can't tell you how many times I have been asked why I wasn't married or why I don't have a boyfriend. Kortney and Rylee are infamous for asking me this question. I think their main purpose is to figure out when they get to be in the wedding, but every time I see them they ask me when I'm getting married. One time Rylee's reasoning behind the question was that I was finished with college, so now I must be close to getting married. She then compared me to Leah and said, she is still in school and is getting married, why aren't you. I spared her the "I'm waiting for God to bring me the right person" speech and just said... Leah and I are different! Simple as that. I think they're worried they will be too old to be flower girls! I assured them that I would find a place for them in my wedding.
The children I'm nannying for right now ask me many times when I'm getting married too. One time we were at chick-fil-a and the girls asked me if I had a "boyfriend" and my response was no I don't. Well Sarah was like... do you have a favorite boy that is a friend? I sat thinking for a moment and Cashel looked right at her and said "well that's me, but I'm too young." We all laughed really hard at that one. Yesterday we were driving in the car, and ever since Allston has realized I'm not going to be with her family forever, she has been telling me all the things I will be missing... new van, game room, art room, etc. I keep telling her that I can come back to visit and plan to. She then asks me how old I will be when she is 20. 37 I say and then she is like... well that's not too old. I smiled and thought, I have friends now that are older than that :-). I told her that we could be friends when she was that age and maybe at that time she could babysit my children. Both Allston and Sarah were very excited about that idea. Of course I should have known the question coming next... "When are you going to have a baby?" Well, I need to be married first, and before that I need to have a boyfriend. Sarah: I have never been to a wedding. Allston: me either. Cashel: yeah I haven't either. Me: Well maybe you guys can come to my wedding. Sarah: who is going to be your flower girl? Me: I'm not sure. Maybe you guys can have a special job at my wedding and wear pretty dresses. Girls: Oh yeah, that would be so fun. Cashel: I'll wear my handsome clothes! They were just excited to think they could go to a wedding. And at last today... Cashel asks me if the wedding will be before he is 5 or after he turns 5 (he will be 5 in July). I laugh and say... Cashel I don't even have a boyfriend. It will definitely be after you turn 5. He said "ok Miss Amanda, I was just wondering."
kids are so funny

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Sorry for the lack in postings lately. I don't really know how many people actually read this thing anyway, but for those of you who do, sorry for not posting in a while.
Car Update:
The Jetta died. I was very sad and really dreaded getting another car. This whole situation consummed me for a couple weeks, and then I got a new (new to me) car. I now drive a 2004 Passat. Very nice car if I do say so myself. I didn't really get a chance to bond with the Jetta, so while I was sad to see it go, I wasn't heartbroken. I'm really just glad the car thing is over.
I got to talk with a really good friend today that I haven't talked to in maybe over a year. I sent her a text asking a couple random questions and she didn't even know my number. Anyway, we talked tonight and it was great. I really love having friends that even though you don't see often (or ever) you can still pick up right where you left off. Yeah, life probably happened between the times you did talk, but when you do, it's like nothing has ever changed. It's weird the feelings and memories that come back, some that you didn't even know were there. I'm so glad I got to talk with her. I miss her presence in my life!
I'm LOVING Ephesus. That's my new church. Brittany and I are also going to the women's Bible study. We are doing the Beth Moore study on Daniel. This is my first Beth Moore study with a group, and probably the first one I will finish, so I am excited about doing this and getting to know more women of the church. Ephesus has a love for the city of Charlotte that is going to make a difference. It is going to be great to see how the Lord uses this church to impact this city. I'm glad I get to be a part of it.
I'm talking with more and more people about my photography! I talked with a couple people today who want me to take family pictures for them! I keep praying that the Lord keeps using me in this way!