She and her parents were in an accident when she was 1 or 2 and both of her parents died. Knowing that story made me want to love her even more. I wanted to be more than just her teacher. I wanted to be someone she will remember forever and think of often in the years to come. I wanted her to see Jesus in me. And now I just keep praying that she finds Him. That she finds the Father. That she feels loved in Mexico, is taken care of, and has everything she needs. It breaks my heart that she's gone. I miss her already.
I'm praying for her. For her safety. That her heart really does find Jesus so that I can see her again because I'm not sure I will ever see her again on earth. But thank you Jesus that I can place my hope and trust in Him. That He knows my little sunshine too and loves her even more than me or her sisters. That He knows the pain she will experience when she really understands what happened to her parents. And maybe, just maybe, one day she will look back and remember her time in Pre K and remember me. I'm selfish in that regard. I want her to remember me. But more than that, I want her to remember how much I really cared and loved her and from that, she somehow saw how much Jesus loves and cares for her. That's all.