I love to listen to people. Listen to their stories. Listen to what the Lord is doing in their lives. Listen to their pain... you get the idea. So I'm wondering why I have such a difficult time listening to the Lord. It is much easier for me to be the listening ear to my friends and family, but when it comes to the One who created me and loves me more than any of those people, I have a hard time turning everything else off to just listen.
Today my dear friend Emily and I went to this place 24-7 prayer or something like that. Some people turned this warehouse into a place of prayer and solitude. Honestly, it's one of the most amazing things. The building is located right in the middle of a rough part of Charlotte. Many people have sought refuge there and many people have found the Lord, I mean genuinely found Him. I prayed last night that God would meet me there. I have been overwhelmed with many things lately, and I really just needed Him to meet me. He did. I can't explain it, but I know He was there. The building is dimly lit with small booths lining the walls of the open space. Chairs and couches are sporadically arranged throughout the middle and there is a table where drawings can be done. There is a smaller side room that has been set up in the same way but on a smaller scale. One room is the Holy room, you even take your shoes off to enter, the other room is where music is played. In between there are booths where you can just get away and study the word. I'm telling you this place is amazing.
I circled the entire building just taking it all in. Looking into the different booths to find out the topics related to each. After perusing the facility I made my way back to the booth set up for finding God's calling for your life. I thought that since I have been pondering this question for some time now, it was appropriate. I didn't spend a great deal of time here because we were a little pressed for time this day. But I sat there. I read about Moses and his encounter with God on the mountain. There was a notebook where people could write what they felt they were hearing from the Lord. I sat thinking. thinking. thinking. I didn't leave there with some epiphany as to what I have been called to, but I left with a peace that is a little unexplainable. My life is in the Lord's hands. I may not know the location in which He is leading me, but I know He is leading. He is continuing to prepare the way for me and I am confident that it won't disappoint. I didn't want to leave that place. I will return and take some more people with me.
So I called my mom on the way back and just told her about this place. And as I was telling her that I just think I need to move to Philly, a song came on the radio and I heard this line "If it's my will then I'm not moving, but if it's Your will then NOTHING CAN SHAKE ME"
It's amazing what happens when you really start listening.
Here I am Lord... Send ME
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