so maybe the title isn't so chipper or friendly, but it's true. shit happens as much as i would like to think that it doesn't, it does.
let me paint you a picture...
imagine if you will a pretty little VW Jetta. charcoal grey, leather interior, sunroof, cd player, and best of all heated seats (right britt)? i am driving down providence rd. (in little jetta) minding my own business when all of a sudden ratcliffe jr. decides he would like to be early for the funeral (he was attending, not the one about to die). mr. chevi (his car) didn't think there were any cars behind a truck (i don't recall a truck... anyway) so he just decides to cross two lanes of traffic into the church parking lot. problem one... driver should always look after car/truck passes to see if any cars, even if you think there are none, are not coming. if there are no more cars, then and ONLY then is it ok to begin to turn. one should NEVER make an assumption (you know what happens when someone assumes) as to whether or not any vehicles are making their way down the street. i thought they taught that in drivers ed, but maybe that is just in the 70's and higher. mr. ratcliffe jr. probably got his license back in... um 1941. that's right, 1941. i guess they didn't teach "look before you turn" back then. anyway. so i am making my way down providence rd. when all of a sudden this grey chevi is crossing the road and i have maybe 25 ft to slam on the breaks and, you guessed it, SLAM right into the passenger rear side of the car. i said... "oh my gosh" slammed on my breaks and crash. honestly, i thought the noise would be a bit louder than it was. in a split second my air bags deployed, smoke filled the car, and my car turned off right in the road. i couldn't turn my key to start the car and i couldn't get my keys out. i sat there, not really sure as to what really happened. freaking out thinking "i was just in an accident, what am i supposed to do now." i am a first timer when it comes to accidents and well folks, they don't teach that in drivers ed now do they? WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU'RE IN AN ACCIDENT 101. maybe i should recommend that to the dmv. i sit there for several minutes. mr. ratcliffe jr. comes up to my car and says you should call the police. i try. cell phone doesn't call police. feeling really great about the fact my phone won't get me help, a lady comes up to my car and asks if i am ok and then i ask her to call the police. i am trying to call leah to see where she is so she can come and comfort me, no answer. leave a message "i was in an accident, i don't know what to do." in the best teary voice i have. try again. nothing. home number. NOTHING. husband. NOTHING. I now know what brittany felt like the day she got in her accident and couldn't reach ANYONE and i drove past her 3 times... (sorry). finally i get out of my car, after traffic assistance from mr. ratcliffe jr. and make it to the sidewalk. i call my dad. problem two... tears immediately begin to flow when dad answers the phone and dads want to fix things and give all sorts of information at the wrong times sometimes. are you fine? yes. ok you need to call this number and this number, make sure you have a tow truck taking it to the place you say, call VW, get this information, now retell the whole event to me again (4th time) and are you sure you're ok. yes. dad, can i just call you back and then you can explain what i need to do? this is a little overwhelming and i can't really comprehend what you're telling me. ahh... meanwhile, "the witness" asks me if i want her to stay, i say yes please, and she does. one nice charlottean. mr. ratcliffe jr. walks up to me and starts talking. he belongs to the family that owns ratcliffe flowers in uptown. tells me he is 5 years younger than that building, so now that we know each other we can be friends :-). he is very apologetic saying i'm sorry little lady i made your morning bad. this is the first accident i've had that has been my fault. he asks, have you been in any accidents... no sir, this is my first one. congrats mr. jr. you have stollen my perfect accident record. oh well (insert title of blog). jetta is $7,796.90 sick. rental car = honda civic. body aches. but i'm alive... hey mr. ratcliffe jr. my favorite flower is the gerber daisy... how about free ones for life?
1 comment:
HAAAAA!! Free flowers for life. Please ask for that in the settlement. Love the post.
Here is to you Old Man Ratcliffe.....
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