Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
For these I am thankful....
Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's hard to believe that one year ago today I was waiting anxiously for the call that my niece had arrived. All we knew is that it was a girl and her name started with N. I guessed every name, or so I thought. So a little after 7 am I got a phone call from my brother and he said... SHE'S HERE. My first question was, does she have red hair... and the answer was YES. I was so excited and wished so badly that I could be there.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
just a few things...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
the niece again
Sunday, October 5, 2008
because my roommate is cool...
I decided to copy and past her survey. if you want to be cool too, comment back with these questions copied and pasted with your answers filled in! it will be so fun. promise
1. What time is it?
2. Name that appears on your birth certificate:
Amanda Marie Phelan
3. Nickname:
mandaphe, manda, mand
4. Parents Names:
Tim and Lynne
5. Siblings:
Jonathan, Ken, Susan
5. Number of candles that will appear on your next birthday cake:
26 on the 26th… my golden birthday!
6. Date that you will blow them out:
May 26th
7. Pets:
none. would like a dog, but too much work and not interested in my house smelling like a dog
8. Eye Color:
hazel or brown depending on the clothing
9. Hair Color:
10. Tattoos:
11. How much do you love your job?
don’t really have one at the moment
12. Favorite Color:
green and orange
13. Hometown:
Waynesville, NC
14. Current residence:
Charlotte, NC
15. Favorite food:
really depends on the mood… but i love pizza
16. Been to Africa:
no……..someday though
17. Been toilet papering:
once… my youth pastor’s house for his birthday
18. Loved somebody so much it made you cry:
19. Ever been in a car accident:
yes, one. thanks mr. ratcliffe. my only one ever and it totaled my car. fantastic
20. Croutons or bacon bits:
21. Sprite or 7up?
22. Favorite movie:
Uptown Girls, Finding Forester, Pride and Prejudice
23. Favorite day of the week:
24. Favorite word or phrase or action:
Seriously or I mean
25. Favorite toothpaste:
colgate total
26. Favorite restaurants:
Big Daddy’s, East Blvd. bar and Grill…local faves
27. Favorite Song:
definitely can’t pick just one… i love music
28. Favorite pop:
sprite or dr. pepper
29. Favorite sport to watch:
Football and basketball
30. Preferred type of ice cream:
ben and jerry’s half baked… love this
31. Favorite Sesame Street Character:
Big Bird… so cheerful and calming
32. Disney or Warner Bros:
33. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:
not sure i have one as of late… qdoba if it’s considered fast food…?
34. When was your last hospital visit:
last year sometime. nothing major
35. What color is your bedroom carpet:
beige… wish it was hard woods!
36. How many times did you fail your driver’s test:
37. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this:
some person telling me about a mortgage job… not interested
38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
not telling haha… that would be a negative
39. What store would you choose to max out your credit card:
probably target… so much goodness in there
40. What do you do most often when you are bored:
nap, read, catch up on shows
41. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away:
my cousins are my friends and they live in philly and ct… boo
42. Most annoying thing people ask me:
is your hair color real
43. Bedtime:
whenever i get sleepy
44. Who will respond the quickest:
don’t know
45. Who is the person that is least likely to respond:
don’t care….these were always my least favorite questions on these things.
46. Favorite all time TV show:
full house, dawson’s creek and 7th heaven
47. Last person you went out to dinner with: Deidre, Leyton, and Parker
48. Last movie you saw: Nights in Rodanthe and Maid of Honor
49. Last book you read: The Thrill of the Chast
50. Dream Car: don’t have one really
51. Time when you finished: 9:17
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Heart

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday Night

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ode to my Roommate

This post is in response to my roommate's blog ( where she mentioned the fact that I workout to inappropriate music... Well I decided to write a little blog about why I love my roommate...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
One of Those Days
Friday, August 15, 2008
Back in the Country past the city limit signs...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
this could be long
Monday, June 30, 2008
What A Weekend
Monday, June 2, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Best Birthday EVER
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
funny conversation
The children I'm nannying for right now ask me many times when I'm getting married too. One time we were at chick-fil-a and the girls asked me if I had a "boyfriend" and my response was no I don't. Well Sarah was like... do you have a favorite boy that is a friend? I sat thinking for a moment and Cashel looked right at her and said "well that's me, but I'm too young." We all laughed really hard at that one. Yesterday we were driving in the car, and ever since Allston has realized I'm not going to be with her family forever, she has been telling me all the things I will be missing... new van, game room, art room, etc. I keep telling her that I can come back to visit and plan to. She then asks me how old I will be when she is 20. 37 I say and then she is like... well that's not too old. I smiled and thought, I have friends now that are older than that :-). I told her that we could be friends when she was that age and maybe at that time she could babysit my children. Both Allston and Sarah were very excited about that idea. Of course I should have known the question coming next... "When are you going to have a baby?" Well, I need to be married first, and before that I need to have a boyfriend. Sarah: I have never been to a wedding. Allston: me either. Cashel: yeah I haven't either. Me: Well maybe you guys can come to my wedding. Sarah: who is going to be your flower girl? Me: I'm not sure. Maybe you guys can have a special job at my wedding and wear pretty dresses. Girls: Oh yeah, that would be so fun. Cashel: I'll wear my handsome clothes! They were just excited to think they could go to a wedding. And at last today... Cashel asks me if the wedding will be before he is 5 or after he turns 5 (he will be 5 in July). I laugh and say... Cashel I don't even have a boyfriend. It will definitely be after you turn 5. He said "ok Miss Amanda, I was just wondering."
kids are so funny
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Car Update:
The Jetta died. I was very sad and really dreaded getting another car. This whole situation consummed me for a couple weeks, and then I got a new (new to me) car. I now drive a 2004 Passat. Very nice car if I do say so myself. I didn't really get a chance to bond with the Jetta, so while I was sad to see it go, I wasn't heartbroken. I'm really just glad the car thing is over.
I got to talk with a really good friend today that I haven't talked to in maybe over a year. I sent her a text asking a couple random questions and she didn't even know my number. Anyway, we talked tonight and it was great. I really love having friends that even though you don't see often (or ever) you can still pick up right where you left off. Yeah, life probably happened between the times you did talk, but when you do, it's like nothing has ever changed. It's weird the feelings and memories that come back, some that you didn't even know were there. I'm so glad I got to talk with her. I miss her presence in my life!
I'm LOVING Ephesus. That's my new church. Brittany and I are also going to the women's Bible study. We are doing the Beth Moore study on Daniel. This is my first Beth Moore study with a group, and probably the first one I will finish, so I am excited about doing this and getting to know more women of the church. Ephesus has a love for the city of Charlotte that is going to make a difference. It is going to be great to see how the Lord uses this church to impact this city. I'm glad I get to be a part of it.
I'm talking with more and more people about my photography! I talked with a couple people today who want me to take family pictures for them! I keep praying that the Lord keeps using me in this way!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
in love
just thought i'd share
I think this weekend is going to be BEAUTIFUL and that makes me really happy!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
shit happens...
let me paint you a picture...
imagine if you will a pretty little VW Jetta. charcoal grey, leather interior, sunroof, cd player, and best of all heated seats (right britt)? i am driving down providence rd. (in little jetta) minding my own business when all of a sudden ratcliffe jr. decides he would like to be early for the funeral (he was attending, not the one about to die). mr. chevi (his car) didn't think there were any cars behind a truck (i don't recall a truck... anyway) so he just decides to cross two lanes of traffic into the church parking lot. problem one... driver should always look after car/truck passes to see if any cars, even if you think there are none, are not coming. if there are no more cars, then and ONLY then is it ok to begin to turn. one should NEVER make an assumption (you know what happens when someone assumes) as to whether or not any vehicles are making their way down the street. i thought they taught that in drivers ed, but maybe that is just in the 70's and higher. mr. ratcliffe jr. probably got his license back in... um 1941. that's right, 1941. i guess they didn't teach "look before you turn" back then. anyway. so i am making my way down providence rd. when all of a sudden this grey chevi is crossing the road and i have maybe 25 ft to slam on the breaks and, you guessed it, SLAM right into the passenger rear side of the car. i said... "oh my gosh" slammed on my breaks and crash. honestly, i thought the noise would be a bit louder than it was. in a split second my air bags deployed, smoke filled the car, and my car turned off right in the road. i couldn't turn my key to start the car and i couldn't get my keys out. i sat there, not really sure as to what really happened. freaking out thinking "i was just in an accident, what am i supposed to do now." i am a first timer when it comes to accidents and well folks, they don't teach that in drivers ed now do they? WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU'RE IN AN ACCIDENT 101. maybe i should recommend that to the dmv. i sit there for several minutes. mr. ratcliffe jr. comes up to my car and says you should call the police. i try. cell phone doesn't call police. feeling really great about the fact my phone won't get me help, a lady comes up to my car and asks if i am ok and then i ask her to call the police. i am trying to call leah to see where she is so she can come and comfort me, no answer. leave a message "i was in an accident, i don't know what to do." in the best teary voice i have. try again. nothing. home number. NOTHING. husband. NOTHING. I now know what brittany felt like the day she got in her accident and couldn't reach ANYONE and i drove past her 3 times... (sorry). finally i get out of my car, after traffic assistance from mr. ratcliffe jr. and make it to the sidewalk. i call my dad. problem two... tears immediately begin to flow when dad answers the phone and dads want to fix things and give all sorts of information at the wrong times sometimes. are you fine? yes. ok you need to call this number and this number, make sure you have a tow truck taking it to the place you say, call VW, get this information, now retell the whole event to me again (4th time) and are you sure you're ok. yes. dad, can i just call you back and then you can explain what i need to do? this is a little overwhelming and i can't really comprehend what you're telling me. ahh... meanwhile, "the witness" asks me if i want her to stay, i say yes please, and she does. one nice charlottean. mr. ratcliffe jr. walks up to me and starts talking. he belongs to the family that owns ratcliffe flowers in uptown. tells me he is 5 years younger than that building, so now that we know each other we can be friends :-). he is very apologetic saying i'm sorry little lady i made your morning bad. this is the first accident i've had that has been my fault. he asks, have you been in any accidents... no sir, this is my first one. congrats mr. jr. you have stollen my perfect accident record. oh well (insert title of blog). jetta is $7,796.90 sick. rental car = honda civic. body aches. but i'm alive... hey mr. ratcliffe jr. my favorite flower is the gerber daisy... how about free ones for life?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Beautiful Day
Tomorrow I am taking pictures at a softball game, thanks to Brittany! Should be very fun capturing the girls in action. I am also taking pictures for a couple I know tomorrow evening in Uptown. Then best of all I am going to Borders to read and hang out with Britt. It's our new favorite "free" thing to do. Seriously, there isn't anything better than a good friend and good books you can read then put back on the shelf and call it a night. I'm becoming my brother! Speaking of him... I miss him! I miss him being in my every day life and just spending time with him.
hmm... just a side note... it is 1 month and 15 days until my birthday! I just don't want anyone to forget!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I have found a new church. It's call Ephesus Church. Ben talks about Jesus and uses the Bible! Call me crazy, but isn't that what should be happening at church? Brittany and I saw a sign next to Starbucks, went home and looked up the website. We knew this church was promising when Jesus was mentioned in the video!!! We tried it out and we both love it! YAY for finding some place to get involved and connected to other believers.
This summer I am going to be living my dream of being a photographer. I am even taking pictures for a wedding! God is definitely opening doors for me in this area of my life and I am so excited about where He is going to take me. I have a great support system and I am ready to embark on this exciting adventure. Please pray for this!
Oh, if you have read previous posts and are wondering about Philadelphia... well I'm staying in Charlotte. I am believe this is what the Lord wants for me right now, and so I have decided to stay here. I am not saying that I won't ever get there, but right now I am where I am suppose to be and that is a very good feeling.
Have a great day!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008

I love to listen to people. Listen to their stories. Listen to what the Lord is doing in their lives. Listen to their pain... you get the idea. So I'm wondering why I have such a difficult time listening to the Lord. It is much easier for me to be the listening ear to my friends and family, but when it comes to the One who created me and loves me more than any of those people, I have a hard time turning everything else off to just listen.
Today my dear friend Emily and I went to this place 24-7 prayer or something like that. Some people turned this warehouse into a place of prayer and solitude. Honestly, it's one of the most amazing things. The building is located right in the middle of a rough part of Charlotte. Many people have sought refuge there and many people have found the Lord, I mean genuinely found Him. I prayed last night that God would meet me there. I have been overwhelmed with many things lately, and I really just needed Him to meet me. He did. I can't explain it, but I know He was there. The building is dimly lit with small booths lining the walls of the open space. Chairs and couches are sporadically arranged throughout the middle and there is a table where drawings can be done. There is a smaller side room that has been set up in the same way but on a smaller scale. One room is the Holy room, you even take your shoes off to enter, the other room is where music is played. In between there are booths where you can just get away and study the word. I'm telling you this place is amazing.
I circled the entire building just taking it all in. Looking into the different booths to find out the topics related to each. After perusing the facility I made my way back to the booth set up for finding God's calling for your life. I thought that since I have been pondering this question for some time now, it was appropriate. I didn't spend a great deal of time here because we were a little pressed for time this day. But I sat there. I read about Moses and his encounter with God on the mountain. There was a notebook where people could write what they felt they were hearing from the Lord. I sat thinking. thinking. thinking. I didn't leave there with some epiphany as to what I have been called to, but I left with a peace that is a little unexplainable. My life is in the Lord's hands. I may not know the location in which He is leading me, but I know He is leading. He is continuing to prepare the way for me and I am confident that it won't disappoint. I didn't want to leave that place. I will return and take some more people with me.
So I called my mom on the way back and just told her about this place. And as I was telling her that I just think I need to move to Philly, a song came on the radio and I heard this line "If it's my will then I'm not moving, but if it's Your will then NOTHING CAN SHAKE ME"
It's amazing what happens when you really start listening.
Here I am Lord... Send ME