Friday, September 28, 2007


interesting title... i couldn't think of anything thing else so i simply placed my fingers on the home row keys and made asdfjkl; the title. placing a title on this would require me to somehow stick to the point and since i am not really sure what i would like to type/ramble about i figured that asdfjkl; was perfect.
today was uneventful. a great thing considering the last week has been super busy and each day i leave work with even more sore muscles than the day before. these days not only am i a nanny, i am also an interior decorator, peace keeper, "mom", painter, mover, general contractor, and at this point my list could go on, but for sake of your time i'll stop there. it really has been non-stop. on top of that i haven't felt well all week, so an uneventful day would definitely be something to cheer about.
highlight of my day had to have been when i took cashel down to the park to meet jace (boy i babysit for) for a play date. i see jace's car pull up and cashel is now getting very excited to see his friend. from the top of the hill jace starts yelling "HEY MANA HEY MANA" in those two words he has totally made my day! then he sees me and begins to run towards me. i need to tell you a little about the playground. at this particular playground they don't use wood chips, they decide to use recycled tires to make the surface a little more accident friendly i suppose. well this surface can be rather difficult to run on but jace doesn't care. he is headed towards me (still on the pavement) full speed ahead. as soon as he gets on the tire stuff surface he face dives into it all while still yelling my name. i laughed, got up and ran toward him with him running to me. so much like a movie i almost felt i should have been on camera!
my sister-in-law is about to have her baby! a little girl. they don't have a name picked out and since her friend just had a girl and named her lilly that seems to be out of the picture. CRAP on the friend! i loved that name!! i'm sure the name she gets will be perfect and i will love her no matter what her name is. i am way excited about this. my brother is going to make a great dad and let me just tell you... i'm going to be the BEST aunt ever! i want her to call me nonnie... my friend's little boy calls me that and it's the cutest thing ever!
i'm going to PHILADELPHIA next week and stopping in richmond to see a couple friends from meredith. this trip is going to be great. while i'm there i will be taking my cousin's family portrait. it should be beautiful there. i can't wait!
on a funny note (this post is getting longer and longer and you're still reading!!) at my Bible Study on Wednesday night the leaders challenged us to spend 15 minutes a day for the next week in complete silence. WHOA! 15 whole minutes. we are going through the book of Mark and in Mark 1 Jesus does many great things, but close to the end of the chapter He took time to be alone in the SILENCE. I did my 15 minutes today and yesterday and it was hard. the first day i wrote hoping that it would pass the time and i could get back to listening to music or watching tv. i kept looking at my watch hoping that more than 30 secs had passed! and today, i was in a house that was completely silent and my thoughts were on what type of furniture was coming and where it would need to be placed... not even for my house! literally, that's all i thought about for 15 mins. this should be interesting! i'll keep you posted!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

times are changing

i'm ready for it to feel like fall. waking up to crisp sunny mornings with a chill in the air. this whole sunny humid weather is getting old, not to mention that my hair doesn't like it either! HA! fall makes me think of cheerleading and football games, early morning soccer games, and being warm in my bed and not wanting to get out. fun times fun times
so i feel that God is doing a change in my life. not sure what it is but i feel it. for those of you who know me or have spent any amount of time with me, you know that i love children. spending time with them, taking them places, teaching them new things... pretty much anything to do with children i love. that passion is going away. i still love them don't get me wrong but i don't want to be around them all the time. i had a thought the other day... i am spending my 20's taking care of other people's children. not that i think it's a bad thing to take care of other children, but that's all i'm doing. i work until 6:30 and then go babysit after that. i spend little time with people my own age, and i am feeling that the Lord wants it to be different. this is such a weird place for me because they have been my life. it's just what i do. my sister-in-law made the comment when we were on vacation visiting other family that i'm a nanny wherever i go. it's so true. i'm drawn to the children and they are drawn to me. how does that happen? i go some where and i end up playing with the kids. it's inevitable. makes me laugh sometimes because i don't go looking for children to hang out with, they find me. my little cousins in Connecticut flock to me. like for instance, this summer, we were having a party for my cousin who was about to go into highschool. i wasn't hanging around with the cousins older than me, i was running around the yard with a water gun chasing my 5 yr old cousin squirting him until he was soaked. then i was holding a baby cousin and of course taking pictures, but the fact still remains that i was with the children. i had fun and since i don't see them often i find this to be ok. i also like having adult interaction and conversation. i'm not sure if any of this makes sense or if i am just rambling. this is my attempt to work through these feelings. i love children, always have and always will, but maybe they don't need to be my life...
my head is going crazy with these thoughts...
what do i do now?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


so here goes another attempt to be a blogger. maybe this time it will work. it's fun for me to think that somewhere out there someone is actually reading this, someone has a small amount of interest in what I am thinking or doing these days.

here lately i've been feeling like the Lord is calling me to be doing bigger things. Things much beyond what I believe I could be doing. i feel the Lord would have me pursue my photography passion. what that looks like, i have no idea, but i'm going with it. i love photography. being creative and capturing a priceless moment make my heart happy. i feel most alive when i am doing something that requires some sort of creative mind. being around people who are artsy makes me want to be like them. my friend Emily already thinks i'm a professional photographer! every time we are with a group of people and someone asks what i do she is the first to say "she's a professional photographer" and of course i laugh at this because i feel so far from that title it's not even funny. then she adds "well she's aspiring to be," love her!

life here in Charlotte is going well. i truly love this city and my friends. God has blessed me with a great church, bible study, and a Christian community. it's wonderful feeling that i am a part of something that is going to have a huge impact on Charlotte. my church has such a passion for seeing the people of Charlotte come back to the Lord. I'm so glad the Lord saw it fit for me to be a part of this.

ok well it's time for me to go. my dad is coming back from Ireland this evening and well since i've been driving his car around I need to have it cleaned for him. Thanks dad!

have an awesome day!