Tuesday, September 25, 2007


so here goes another attempt to be a blogger. maybe this time it will work. it's fun for me to think that somewhere out there someone is actually reading this, someone has a small amount of interest in what I am thinking or doing these days.

here lately i've been feeling like the Lord is calling me to be doing bigger things. Things much beyond what I believe I could be doing. i feel the Lord would have me pursue my photography passion. what that looks like, i have no idea, but i'm going with it. i love photography. being creative and capturing a priceless moment make my heart happy. i feel most alive when i am doing something that requires some sort of creative mind. being around people who are artsy makes me want to be like them. my friend Emily already thinks i'm a professional photographer! every time we are with a group of people and someone asks what i do she is the first to say "she's a professional photographer" and of course i laugh at this because i feel so far from that title it's not even funny. then she adds "well she's aspiring to be," love her!

life here in Charlotte is going well. i truly love this city and my friends. God has blessed me with a great church, bible study, and a Christian community. it's wonderful feeling that i am a part of something that is going to have a huge impact on Charlotte. my church has such a passion for seeing the people of Charlotte come back to the Lord. I'm so glad the Lord saw it fit for me to be a part of this.

ok well it's time for me to go. my dad is coming back from Ireland this evening and well since i've been driving his car around I need to have it cleaned for him. Thanks dad!

have an awesome day!

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